Dear Death,


Dear Death,

Why so serious, everything you do you do just because it is your job, you come and go, and soon one day everyone will experience you — I mean we see you every day as you continue to do your job as if nothing happen but many would pretend as if you don’t exist, you come and take and never leave anything behind. As a child, I never understood why you do what you do and why people tear up when you show up I never really understood anything when I was a child but why, why did you take someone so close to me.

I was so angry and sad, filled with sorrow and emptiness; you took my dear friend he was still so young and was finishing up high-school he would have been in college with us and the group now. You came out of the blue like nothing, from the shadows like you’ve planned everything. I hated you for that, I hated you for taking important people from our life I hated that everyone has to experience this feeling of sorrow and sadness, no one should experience this at such a young age no one. I hate it, I hate it all, I hate that one has to lose a life for there to be change — for a family to come together.

You know you could have warned us or something so we all could have gotten ready for this. I remember the last time I saw and my siblings ran into him at the mall before our family trip and I remember he said when we come back to hit him up and let the whole rugby family hang again like the good old time.

It's strange you know when we got back and it was a normal day and I was cooking before everyone got home but I got this feeling as I felt you nearby but only to end up cutting my finger. I don’t remember whats its called when you have this feeling; when the glass breaks or when you cut your finger like me....being superstitious, I felt it. I remember when I first got the word from another friend I thought they were playing a prank on me as usual but it was so real it was on the news on every website on social media, and so I felt my heart stopped for one moment.

As my mind wonder trying to sink in reality all I could recall was the memory we shared the fun times we had together and all the other time we could have had together with the group like how life would be different if he was still here, how everyone's 21st would have been much better.

I remember that day like if it was yesterday — the building was packed with everyone on the team and everyone from school and other schools with news reporters everywhere, I remember as if it’s imprinted in my head forever now, I remember coach told me to stay outside and let everyone else in first. As it began my siblings walked in then I follow after them, it felt like time stopped for a moment and all seemed still as if we all didn’t know what to do. I remember as I stared at him just laying there like its not possible man, he always had a smile on his face he’s always was energetic he was always there for everyone encouraging everyone he would always look across class and we be making faces. I sit there talking to myself “He’s OK! he got this, he’s gonna get up he always gets up every time we tackled in rugby” like get up bro, get up bro, get up bro we’re all here for you, don’t leave us hanging bro. As I continue effortlessly I can feel that you’re not that far with him at that very moment I can feel tears like I’ve never felt before rushing through my eyes, tears that I never hope on to others, precious tears. I felt this strange pain in my left chest like never before a strong squeeze that felt never-ending where my breath ended up being shorter and shorter every moment; as I ran out of the building out of this darkness — this dark building I ran out in tears into the light of what was outside and I ran looking for someone...anyone. And there I saw a friend of mine his mom's with open arms, there I fell to her shoulders.

....I realize he’s leaving us for real, without saying goodbye.

Now I’ve reflected and prayed over and over again and talked to my closes friend, I really can’t hate you I was only filled with anger and sorrow so much to forget that you’re job wasn’t taking life it wasn’t to make us feel sorrow. I’ve grown up from all those times I’ve met you, I've grown so much to the point where I finally realize you’re job was to be there for them and guide them into the after the life; you know those who are lost. I am truly sorry for being so angry for blaming you blaming God for things I truly don’t understand. With you here, we all can truly understand how important life is and how temporarily our life on earth is that we all should stop and stare for just one moment and appreciate the little things we have together.

Only now how appreciative I am for you to be there with my friend while he goes off to his new life. Maybe it was the change that I was afraid of not you, not Death. Because now I can face you without fear.

A simple child


It doesn't get any easier from here?
—Dose it ever gets easier?

No....we just learn to live with it.



Rest In Peace Marcos & Dillon


Letter, Life, DeathA Dearest